I’m Terry Maltos.
Web Designer &
Hire me for an easy to work with, one man operation. I’m the boss, so the boss is directly accountable to you.
I have over 22 years of experience in web design, hosting, WordPress, HTML, databases, graphics, team leading and training.

I can build your site, no matter what business you’re in…
site Updates, Theme Updates, Plug-ins
Even if you have a website already, it’s always a good idea to hire me to update and maintain it on an as-needed basis. You don’t want your site to be hacked because your theme is out of date!
Integrate Your Site with A Third Party API
Hire me to connect your website leads to Salesforce, or integrate your affiliate content into your website. Sometimes it takes a professional to work with your service provider and hosting company.
Secure Server Certificates - SSL - Installation and Troubleshooting
Hire me to install an SSL Certificate for your website. You need it if you’re selling products, submitting sensitive information or just don’t want hackers snooping on what’s submitted through your site.