Self-employed Web Developer
I provide web design, support, hosting, programming, enhancements, and updates to clients from all types of businesses. Over a decade of experience in building and managing websites, servers, scripts, and forms.
My most frequently used tools are WordPress, Dreamweaver and the Adobe Creative Suite.
Lead Web Designer
Lead Web Designer for a web hosting company, Interland. I designed and consulted on dozens of websites, hosting plans, upgrades and errors, working side-by-side with Project Managers and Programmers every day.
I focused on User Experience, Quality Assurance and Security, using HTML, PHP, Linux Servers, SASS, MySQL Databases and API Extensions.
2002 - 2005
1999 - 2002
Content Creator
Content creator and web designer for, an early digital download service. Created digital content for download, produced finished CD products and created many “landing pages” for various music artists we promoted, including David Bowie, Britney Spears, and Garth Brooks.
Worked with programmers and project managers to make sure promotions where eye-catching, effective and error-free.
Floor Manager
Borders Books & Music, Snellville, GA. Approved returns/exchanges, trained new employees, stocked and re-stocked the Music Department and cashiered. I built and maintained websites as a side job. Using my skills in Photoshop and Adobe GoLive to create new sites for a network of Antiquarian Booksellers.